Taxonomy: Class Blastocystea
Animal: Blastocystis hominis 1 13a.jpg
Sites: Gut
Blastocystis hominis cysts. Cysts arise from the avacuolar form in the colon, is about 5 microns wide, usually one nucleus, thick cyst wall and very small vacuoles. They are often overlooked because of their small size and because so many (wrongly) assume the vacuolar form is the typical and only form of Blastocystis when in fact they are not the form found in the body and seem to develop in faeces after excretion from the body and in culture.The cyst form imay be the transmissible stage but this has not been proven (Trichrome stain of faecal preparation). see EM of cysts in slides 8 02, 8 04 8 05. (Compare the appearance of these more usually encountered cysts with those of the abnormal cysts in a patient present with severe gastrointestinal symptoms - 6 15 - 6 26)

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